For anyone else that may be struggling with purpose and Photoreading, and not inclined to read the full story:

What feeling led you to thinking that a particular book or article might be helpful or interesting?

A brief sharing:
Had been struggling with this and had a breakthrough during my morning paraliminal session. Reading idly since the age of 5 has led to not establishing purposes of my own when approaching new subject matter past "This looks interesting." and "I've got some time and nothing better to do." Since reading has been a staple form of entertainment for me people have remarked that "You must be in school, and very smart."
To which the response had recently become "Reading is strictly for fun, and half the things I read I don't work to apply."

The realization that response brought sparked the desire for application, and application requires purpose. Two technical muscles that have seen little to no use in my life.

This morning's Paraliminal was Automatic Pilot Session A which was going to be applied to Photoreading as a generality. And then my attention flashed on the concept of purpose, the basis of Photoreading and the thing I'd been struggling with in the course. After the session was over there was a book next to me that had been a go to for idle time, of which there was about five minutes.

However, this time in reaching for the book the thought came "What made me feel like I wanted to look into this book. After all even for entertainment there is a purpose being fulfilled." In seeking the initial feeling a clearer purpose was established.

The previous sentence was the entirety of the post.