I need use photoreading on dissertation and professional book,with technical terms and complex formulas.I don't known where to begin active. I feel so frustrated that I reluctant to go across active stage.

Here is my puzzled question

1. There are two type of question written in the book‘The photo reading whole mind system’:
One type question: superficial,conception
such as:what is 'frequent offset'.
This time you can find the term easily
Two type question: need understand
This type you cannot find it in book directly
Question 1:In review stage
What type question should I raise? And I usually just look the catalogue but skim the pages, to raise the question .Is it right?

Question 2: In supper read and dip stage
What is the state like in supper read and dip?
State 1: Look for the answer of the proposed question one by one
state 2: With purpose in mind, read the eye catched section, just
follow intuition. But usually use the old reading instead.