1. Why would anyone browse news articles?

Why not? One of the things I do daily is I read apple news on my iphone. I don't know if I want to prepare, preview, and then super read each article, especially when the articles are usually less than 2 pages. Doesn't make sense to me unless you can tell me why I would want to prepare before EACH news article.

2. Same question why would you browse emails?

See # 1. If I have 20 emails in my box and I am taking 5 seconds to get into state (Assuming I am a decently good photoreader), that's 100 seconds minimum, excluding a preview. Again doesn't seem like the best usage of my time.

3. Every point. Every time you take a break you prepare for the next step. If you worked through step one and 2 and then later decide to PhotoRead the book you do step one and three. If you decided to leave previewing for later then step one and 4. Always prepare before every activation layers. It doesn't take long so why skip it? It's like putting the key into the ignition of a car.

I agree with most of this, but needed additional clarification on the finer details. For emails or news articles do I really have to have a specific purpose, especially when it's a business correspondence that may or may not require my immediate action?

Thanks Much Alex