
Afformations are affirmations posed as a question with 'Why' preceding it, for example:

Affirmation: I'm feel very happy.

Afformation: Why do I feel very happy.

What I have learnt about Afformations is:
When you pose a question or Afformation your mind automatically starts trying to answer why this is true (why do I feel happy) because that is what your mind
naturally does i.e. your mind continually asks questions subconciously. In doing so it has to answer the question and thus makes the thing your asking true. Hope I make sense!

I only learnt about afformations last week and I thought it was a typo too

Here are the links I read about it on which
are referenced in the post I mentioned above:

It would be great to hear from other forum users if they had success with Afformations
especially in conjunction with the Paraliminals.
