Letting go. The key when we get stuck is letting go. We're always holding onto unnecessary baggage some of which gets us stuck in apathy which is inaction, the why bother it's not going to work frame of mind.

Unfortunately we grip so strongly to holding on to "wanting things to change" that we're afraid to let go of that for fear we pick up something worse. When we are familiar with the expression out of the frying pan into the fire.

I recommend using Paraliminals, Get Around to it for when you know what you need to do but aren't doing it.

Break the Habit, just choose one habit, be it not making the bed, or throwing clothes onto the floor instead of putting them away.

New Behavior Generator, works well in conjunction with the above Paraliminal. When you break a habit choose a better one to replace it.

Also rather than Abundance For Life you might consider Natural Brilliance, it is a course to get you out of that stuck state.
