Since I've been on last I've being using Afformations on a daily basis and thought I would share my experiences with you.

I have being using the Afformations separate from the paraliminals, as I have 5 afformations I use and I only listen to up to 3-4 paraliminal sessions a day.As a paraliminal should only be used for 1 problem per session I wouldn't get all the afformations done in one day. Having said that what i'm 'afforming' and what I use the paraliminals for are completely related.

With the afformations some days in the morning I will spend 15 minutes (5 afformations/ 3mins each) on them , I use a countdown timer on a stopwatch set to 3 mins so when stopwatch beeps I
reset the countdown and go to next afformation. After doing this I feel very relaxed, I then listen to the SE Supercharger and find that its very easy to listen to i.e. my mind doesnt wonder aimlessly as some days this happens and feel I am not getting the full benefit from the paraliminal.

I also am using the afformations with my Proteus LS machine. Somedays I will use one of the 35min learning sessions (Program 18,25) or the 20minute Creativity Enhancement session
Program (program 21). So again with countdown timer I can spend 7 minutes or 4minutes respectively with each afformation.

While using an afformation for the few minutes session I repeat the afformation a few times pausing for a few moments between each repeat. I say the afformation like I'm really asking a question and I put emphasis into it. I've fallen asleep a few times doing this so hopefully this has a positive effect too.

One of the positive effects i've noticed about using an afformation is that I when using them anytime of day and put some emphasis into it I instantly seem to perk up and instantly feel alot better..cool eh. I never experienced this using an Affirmation!

it can definitely be a powerful tool and something we can use to get our confusion/doubt away from our minds in a second - sort of bluffing the mind(?).

Would affirmations be more 'bluffing the mind' ?...for example if I'm feeling really bad and down and I continually repeat a statement 'I feel good' , 'I feel good' etc...would that be more a bluff so to speak whereas maybe when you use an afformation your sort of 'asking' your mind to change by automatically getting your subconcious involved in the process of answering the question ?
Just my thoughts on it.

So how are you guys getting on with the Afformations , has Belief worked well?

Hi Noah,
Thanks for your positive contribution.
