Sorry for the delay I thought I answered this a couple of days ago.

Always leave at least 20 minutes between Paraliminal sessions, whether the same or different. IN fact avoid doing other energy work for 20 minutes after a Paraliminal to allow it to integrate.

With the Paraliminals that have two sessions I like to leave at least a day for the session to integrate. The reason to use the other session will probably change, might be unnecessary or even more beneficial to do the session again with a slightly modified listening purpose.

Notice I refer to session not A or B since you can listen to session B first and in some cases only. The reference A and B does not necessarily mean that you must do A first.

If you're keen to do session B already when it's more in line with your goals, skip A. So straight to B.

In particular the Belief Paraliminal you might already have uncovered the belief that you want to change. Go ahead and do session B, you might find it useful to do session B daily for a week.
