Hi Carmelo,
I’ve only being using Afformations myself with one particular paraliminal and that’s Personal Genius which I see Grant suggested also above. I’ve noticed some small feedback but since it’s a biggish project I’m working on it could take a while before I get the breakthrough I want.

As I’ve said before I’m doing my afformations daily and I’m also using the paraliminals daily. I’m noticing positive changes and I’m feeling great, I still have my bad days (who doesn’t!) but all in all things have definitely changed for the better…and a bad day can be turned into a bad hour with all these new techniques …Cool eh

One thing about the Afformations is the portability, I’m using them while walking, on the bus, stuck in traffic, in a bar etc etc. (It took a short while to get into the habit of remembering to use them while out and about but what a great habit). I get my instant perk up once I focus on the way I say (mentally or out loud ) the afformation i.e. asking like I’m really asking a question and using emphasis. Great really when before all this my inner dialogue was 99.999% negative 24/7, 365 days a year.

One thing that drew me to the Afformations was the whole ‘mind always searches for an answer’ concept, which when I thought about it made sense. E.g. everyone has had the experience where you try to consciously remember some fact, you rack your brain for ages but to no avail. Then you think or talk about something else and hey presto! a while later the answer just ‘magically’ comes to you. Thus you know your subconscious was working on finding the answer while you were consciously preoccupied with something else.