Now back to my first question, how long would it take you to get that with traditional reading? Would you read it more than once? Highlight it? What were you doing to remember that before?

If you're not remembering from your activations, you are either not actually activating it because your purpose is missing. And your statement, "I have to go back and read everything the usual way, as though I hadn't read anything to begin with." implies this is exactly the problem. You're not activating with purpose nor applying enough activation layers before you quit. Use as many activation layers as require, until it gels. In the beginning I recommend doing 6 x 20 minute activation layers and then a 30 minute rapid read. To learn the system as well as to learn the activation techniques.

... or you're not mind mapping the important information.

As a beginner, mind map! It trains the body mind connection for the stuff you want to recall when you read.
