Okay, so in reviewing the manual (to be honest it's been years...), I actually figured out both #1 & #3, but do need to figure something out for #2. In the "Bringing out your highest fortune" section (which also solved my #3 problem above), I realized that in addition to my bed facing North (my total loss direction), I'm also in perpendicularly in line with the door which is bad. So I'm a bit stuck as far as what I can do. I can move my bed further South, but then there is no solid wall at the head of the bed. I do have a headboard, but I know that's not necessarily the greatest solution. My four best directions are all odd angles that do not leave me flush with a wall. I did find an old entry in the forum that mentioned that Marie will sometimes sleep diagonally on a bed in a hotel to make sure she's facing her correct direction, which I am doing, but that's not really a good long term solution for my wife & I.

Please help!!