Hello, everyone. I am seeking assistance with a major self-change project. What I am working on right now is incorporating the Sedona Method's releasing process into my life.

For those of you who may not be familiar with it, according to Hale Dwoskin, author of the book "The Sedona Method", releasing involves letting go of any aspect of your mental & emotional experience that you want at will. The author primarily focuses on the negative aspects, though according to him you can apparently let go of the positive aspects and actually benefit as well.

These aspects include feelings, beliefs, resistance, and even possibly physical ailments.

Once you truly let go of one aspect of your experience, that aspect is apparently no longer a part of you and you never have to deal with it again.

What I am looking to do is to be able to do this at will on a consistent basis. Even after reading the book, I have had only limited success in using the process as far as I can tell. This is primarily when I used the Belief Paraliminal to end up believing (for a short period of time) that "I had complete control over my mental and emotional experience." Even then, the vast majority of my results seemed to come when I was enjoying a Holosync CD and consciously chose to release during my listening session. Whenever I was not listening to Holosync, however, my releasing results seemed to be very limited.

If anyone has any advice on how I can use Learning Strategies products to get this done, it would be most appreciated. Currently, I own the following products:

Anxiety Free
Automatic Pilot
Deep Relaxation
Instantaneous Personal Magnetism
New Belief Generator
New History Generator
New Option Generator
Perfect Health
Positive Relationships
Sales Leap
Self Esteem Supercharger
Youthful Vitality
Abundance for Life

Again, any and all input from any perspective would be appreciated, as I do want to get this done.
