Hi David

I'm sure Alex will confirm, but you only have to wait 20 minutes between paraliminals to allow process changes, and then you can listen to a new one. I learnt today from Pete's post that Deep Relaxation is a lovely exception because you can go straight on to listen to a new paraliminal back to back after that.

I'm a relative newbie but when I first started working with them, I did some pretty intensive listening initially supplementing my main Accelerator goal with up to 2-5 additional paraliminals on many weekend days to help me with other goals and issues I was working with. On Saturdays and Sundays I usually have more time to work on my goals, but I noticed that when I listened to too many at once in a day, I kind of felt hazy even though I had ensured a minimum of 20 minute gaps inbetween. This might not be the case for everyone, but certainly I think trying to push through too much change at once made me feel groggy. I was making my subconscious work overtime and I felt the effects of it!

Looking back now, I think whilst all the listening definitely had some value, I kind of overwhelmed myself a little because I was pushing so much for change within myself and it made for an intense period and erratic reviewing of results. I seem to remember always working on more and more change and I'm not sure it was the best way to go about it.

It wasn't until I had an enforced week off on holiday (after 30 days of daily listening to as many as I could manage each day) when I couldn't listen to any, that I had a chance to really step back, relax almost, and notice amazing changes in myself. I was really impressed and almost felt like I had superpowers somehow! Now I understand why they recommend a couple of days off inbetween accelerator rounds. I had previously thought this seemed like wasted time, but actually it allows things to settle within you and ground and really take root and grow deeply.

I don't know what the experience is like for anyone else, and how other people use their paraliminals but I've now got more confidence in mixing things up, taking days off and testing different ways of listening, knowing all the time that I'm getting great results even when it's not always immediately evident.

If you happen to be working with multiple goals, I also highly recommend keeping a written journal/track of all goals you're working on at any point in time. Not keeping a written record and doing it in my head previously didn't give me the clarity I needed and the confidence that comes from seeing what's working, how much progress I was making and exactly where further efforts needed to be directed.

Having a dedicated Paraliminal Journal with a section for each goal has allowed me to see that when I thought something hadn't worked, it was simply because the goal was a big one and I had been erratic in listening to the required paraliminals, and hadn't really put in as many listenings as I thought I had e.g. If a week of listening was required, I realised that I had maybe listened only a couple of times to the relevant Paraliminal, and then become disheartened that I wasn't getting results!!! (In one case I hadn't listened to one of the required combo paraliminals at all!)

Now I know, you have to have complete clarity on the goal /outcome you're looking to create; a plan of which combo of paraliminals are best suited to get you there; a frequency schedule; and regular monitoring of results.

If you're working on multiple goals with multiple paraliminals, then monitoring results will get you there way faster than putting in a lot of listening time without really knowing where and how progress is being made.

Be gentle with yourself as you listen and let it be okay if you only listen to one a day some days. One incredible and happy happy discovery that I've made since I started tracking progress in my Paraliminal journal, is that working on any one goal or Paraliminal seems to progress you further on all your goals simulataneosly. This is because the Paraliminals Paul has created are so clever!!!

Also, in case it helps, other ways I've got around the 20minute required gap is sometimes in bed I replay the same Paraliminal twice or more. As I'm streaming directly from the website, I usually wake up after it's finished and then press start again. Though I think the more efficient or smarter way to do it would be to download and simply put track 3 on repeat.

Lastly, I read on one of the old posts that someone Pete knew used to listen to Prosperity in the background on repeat whilst she went about her solitary duties at work. I have tried this with track 3 of Prosperity whilst I've been doing house chores and can confirm that this is an awesome way to get some listening time in, move yourself closer to your goals and feel great in the process (Prosperity is really cool for Everything I reckon!).

In fact I even tried this with another goal I was working on last week and noticed an immediate effect even though I only listened to track 3 once in the background. (Though I was familiar with this Paraliminal from previous dedicated listening sessions so maybe that put me in the zone immediately as soon as I started to hear Paul's words.)

Whilst I don't recommend background listening in favour of dedicated listening sessions, if you're looking to get extra time to supplement your dedicated listening schedule, it's definitely a great way to go about it. (And I've found it makes me feel really happy too for some reason. Like I feel more empowered somehow, but I'm not entirely sure why that is! Maybe being able to hear Paul's super-encouraging words of wisdom and light in the background without even my headphones, is really the precise kind of cheerleading I've been missing all my life!!!)

Think I've got a little carried away with my response! But hope at least some of its helps whether or not you are working on multiple goals. I'm sure Alex will provide you with the correct clarity you need.

In fact I'd be really interested to learn if other than Deep Relaxation, there are any other Paraliminal combinations that work back to back...

And if anyone else has any advice on working on multiple goals simultaneously I'd value learning from their wisdom and experience too!

Good luck David and do let us know how you get on. One things for sure, you are in for the ride of your life!

Best wishes

Last edited by Mayuri; 07/30/17 06:27 PM. Reason: Typos