Hi dbo. Thanks for sharing. I can relate to a lot of what you've written! It's good to know that I'm not alone in my conflicting behaviour, but I don't wish it on you or anyone else for sure!

I've just been working on really clarifying this goal with crystal clear intent before I go through the combos suggested by Pete above. I've just gone through the New Behaviour Generator Manual and for the first time put down on paper and in black and white, a whole shedload of beliefs that shine a lot of light on my conflicting behaviours. It feels good to know these for some reason.

You are so right, sleep has always been a low priority for me too! I was taught that work came first and you put in whatever hours you needed to, to get things done. That's okay in extreme situations, but it sure isn't healthy when you're living like this on a daily basis!

Right, I had actually planned to go to bed 2 hours ago, and have been procrastinating on listening to the New Behaviour Generator all day.... hmmmm... maybe I know this one's going to have a big impact on me.... lets see. Signing off now and calling it a day....

...(hmmm, I'm having trouble calling it a day.... )....

PS I love Deep Relaxation and have been following Pete's advice and listening to daily since the start of August. I've really noticed a difference in just how much more relaxed I am in general during the day. I like to listen towards the end of the day when I get in bed - but is it the one that really makes a huge difference for me getting a good long night of deep sleep...????......

....no, probably not in my case... - but then I have never set this as the purpose for listening to this paraliminal.

I've used Sleep Deeply/Wake Refreshed and Break The Habit and had some success, but not the consistency I need. But then I haven't applied the consistency in listening to all of these on a daily basis...

This weekend, I'm setting this as my highest priority for change work. Its just as you said dbo, not getting this down creates all kinds of unnecessary issues and holds me back no end.

You know, you've just reminded me of a couple of times in my past when sleep was a super high priority for me and I used to get into bed for 8pm every single day without fail. I was super disciplined!

Hmmmm.... let me look into what my driving forces were then, this could be a major insight to map forward into now...

Tell me dbo, have you also tried the Paraliminal combinations suggested above by Pete yet?