Thank you both for your replies. I’ve been a little unwell so it’s taken some time to get back to this thread.

I can confirm that setting the intention for all of these relationships for the same listening session worked very well. I noticed marked differences immediately afterwards each time I’ve listened. Although over the weeks I’ve needed to listen maybe four times or so, the results have been very very impressive.

There is still more work to do I feel. I want to be able to take everything in my stride no matter what. I’m certainly on my way, but I think I need regular application of these Paraliminals. I don’t know if this will eventually just become my naturally cool way eventually, or I’ll have to keep listening regularly forever (some of the issues with two family members keep coming back for some reason). Either way, it’s totally worth the effort. The resultant me after listening is someone I really like too. I keep impressing myself with my responses. The way we easily or at least calmly and confidently glide over and straight through issues is so good for my little ones.

I haven’t yet done the letting of parenting is hard Paraliminal yet. This is on my list to do now. I have a feeling this ones going to be a gamechanger...

Thank you Alex. This work has been very insightful.

Thanks dbo too.