Being human it requires in and out flow in all the steps.

Determine what you want from the book.. look for it. they are your outward flow steps.

2. Dreams are often metaphors. What you saw in the dream was the mind processing the information. You may have understood it during the dream state and not understood it on waking up. That's usually because one hasn't learned to understand their dream language.
3. Use the system, follow all the steps and do it often. Don't hope or work for spontaneous activation, that becomes manual activation, you may as well use the manual activation taught since we know that works well.
4 Why would you skip postviewing? That is where we check that the book does in fact satisfy our purpose and we can refine it if needed. This is the best step of the system in my experience. I can be finished with a book from a simple Postview. It's not unusual to come across books that don't contain the information they imply on the cover.
