You're welcome.

Keep the playful attitude when studying.

Some tips for taking the exam.

Set up your study area to mimic the exam room. Have minimal on the table. If you put your watch on the desk during your study period, do the same during the test. If you can wear the same or similar clothes. Don't listen to music, exam rooms are usually quiet. Listen to uplifting music before you enter the exam room, it help prevent you catching the pre-exam nerves. (Mozart has found to be good listening). Drink plenty of water while you're studying, keep the brain hydrated, it functions better. It's been found that 10% dehydrated knocks down your cognitive skills by 30%, 30% dehydrated you're functioning with 50%. Chewing brings oxygen to the brain. It's helpful when studying or learning to chew gum or munch on an apple.

And remember to use the tangerine technique. It works not only for PhotoReading, it helps when you're sitting for exams.
