Hello, I read in the Natural Brilliance book (page 105) that Dr Izzy Katzeff experienced the following:

... he could not read. Although he could not comprehend written material, he could readily recognize words spelled aloud or words spelled on the palm of his hand.... he turned to Photoreading. Instantly, he began tor read and comprehend what he had Photoread. Ecstatic, he called me to report that after Photoreading five books, he could once again read in a regular manner.

My question is: With all respect, Dr Izzy cannot read (at least not in the way we do). Hence, how does he perform the activation step? After Photoreading, how does he superead and dip or skitter or rapid read? Actually, how does he perform the preview step as well? Don't the Preview and Activation steps require us to consciously comprehend what we are reading? My definition of "conscious comprehension" means reading the words, registering them in my conscious mind, recognizing them and understanding the meaning.

So how does Dr Izzy read and comprehend what he's reading through Photoreading if he can only perform 2 out of the 5 steps in the Photoreading System? Please do not get me wrong, I'm not trying to be a skeptic or discredit Mr Scheele. I'm simply trying to understand if my understanding and interpretation of the Photoreading System techniques are correct so that I can better apply them to myself.