Hi JoRinz

Thanks so much for your post. This makes a lot of sense. Interestingly I just did a whole lot of tapping a couple of weeks ago that Let Go of a lot of stressors and my IBS symptoms improved significantly. Your post has only now helped me make the connection!

Everything you said makes so much sense on every level. Letting Go is a powerful Paraliminals isn’t it. I’ve had amazing results with it in the past. And you’re of course right, sometimes repeat listening is necessary to fully clear an issue.

It’s interesting to note that it only works on one issue at a time. Maybe the times I haven’t had the full shift I wanted was because I wasn’t quite specific enough. And then I didn’t stick with it persistently enough. Like I got the issue below my “unbearable pain” threshold and then just let other issues overtake my attention instead of fully putting it to bed once and for all...

All of your guidance is supremely helpful. What a brilliant way to put it - Letting Go is the mother of all! How true this is on so many levels! I went to watch Mary Magdalene this weekend. What an incredible inspiring film. Of course I’ve been long familiar with the concept of forgiveness, and intellectually I totally get it and could preach a sermon to you about the high benefits of it. Yet.... I found myself always shying away from doing any self-work around forgiveness whenever the topic came up.

Something shifted in me when I watched the film and I heard Jesus talk about holding on to anger and hatred and instead the prime relevance of forgiveness.... for the first time in my life I think I feel this truth with an emotional knowing....

Wow. So anyway, your post is so very timely for me in several ways. You’re so right, I really do need to Let Go more.

Thank you deeply for your insights and for sharing, I really appreciate your kindness.

With love 🙏

PS - btw there’s something you said at the start of your post -“ any physical illness is only a manifestation of our or our parents emotions”. What do you mean by this? How do our parents emotions affect us specifically?

Do you mean that we subconsciously inherit their patterns of thinking/being etc by virtue of being raised by them ?
Or do you mean that generational beliefs are encoded into our DNA (and we have to shift them at this level to effect change and freedom)?
Or do you mean that we are affected by the energy of our parents now in real time (particularly if we spend a lot of time with them) and may find ourselves drained or changed accordingly by this?

PPS thanks again for your brilliant post. I’ll work on the anger at IBS first as recommended!