Hello oldbob,

Chunyi has worked on and talked a lot about MS over the years. Here is a quote from our Deep Healing Course with him on the topic:

Commonalities Among Diseases
We put these three conditions together today, MS, Parkinson’s, and torticollis, because these three conditions share pretty much the same kind of energy and healing process. Scientists still don’t know the cause of these diseases in people’s bodies, but they mainly know there are some blockages in the brain and in the spine. The difference between MS and Parkinson’s is that with MS the electricity going through the spine, from the spine connecting to the brain and among the cells, goes on and on, on and on. That’s why sometimes the MS people feel better one day and then the next day feel worse. Then a few days later they feel a little bit better.
With Parkinson’s, the cells in the spine and in the brain gradually die, and they don’t have that kind of back and forth of feeling better and feeling worse and feeling better and feeling worse. So that’s one of the signifcant differences between these two. Then torticollis is a little bit different. When we talk about the healing, we’ll touch on that a little bit more.

Most of these people had trauma in their life that wasn't cleared. You'll find blockages in the brain, neck/spine, and heart area of the chest. The other thing that could cause energy blockages for them is emotions.

Spending 30 seconds massaging the base of the spine and temples can help.

Finding some time for them to verbaly chant the 6-word chant can be helpful as well.

The Small Universe is always important, the Moving of Yin and Yang and the Connecting to Your Heart exercise from the Five Elements exercise Master Lin has published: In that one you put the tips of your ngers together like you are making a prayer in front of you, and stand or sit. As you inhale, you slightly bend your body over; as you exhale, slowly straighten up your body. Say thank you and give your gratitude with each movement to anything you can think of at that moment, thanking your shoes, giving gratitude to the sun, to the moon, to your food, to the water, to your cell phone, to your watch, to your hands, to your fingernails—whatever you want to thank. Activate the gratitude energy, because gratitude energy is the vitality energy. It has the intelligence to help you to heal. Do this exercise for 15 minutes to half an hour, and it will be very helpful.

If you are working on your friend, work on the first three areas I mentioned and any that show up during your detection.

Much Love,
