Hi Cosmos,

Alex has gone onto other opportunities and is no longer with us.

Any book can begin to GEL for you at a conscious level at any time after Postviewing, and Activation passes.

To increase the likelihood of higher and higher levels of comprehension to be spontaneiously activated into your conscious awareness, you need to Prepare, Preview, PhotoRead, Postview, and have as many 30-minute passes using all the Activation techiques together. (you can choose between SuperReading with Dipping, or Skittering with Dipping).

PhotoRead and fully Activate at least 1-2 books each week for 30 days. Then, on your next book, Prepare, Preview, PhotoRead, Postview, 30 minutes incubation, and then have a friend begin quizzing you, asking you questions about the content or story within that book. Use those questions as the triggers to Activate the images and information and answers up into your conscious mind.

The more books you fully activate with multiple activation passes, the easier and more efficient your inner mind becomes at slinging the data and information you desire right up into your conscious awareness.