Hi again, 4 Space!

You are correct that the stars in the kitchen are weakened because they are going "down the drain." That's great if it's something you want less of, but if it's something you want more of, you would need to activate for that direction in another area with the intention that you're activating for the home as a whole.

The stars that are intensified are the ones that occur in an area where the front door faces that direction and is also in that portion of the home.

Remember that feng shui activations are enhanced by a clear intention, so activate the rose quartz adjacent to your front door with the intention that you are activating for the Relationship/Collaboration stars in the Southwest of the home as a whole. Also, you can always double-check the energetic impact of any activations you do with muscle testing, or your dowsing rods if you happen to also do dowsing.

All the best!