Hi again, Whisperer!

All your above thoughts are valid. As you already seem to have a good feeling for what will work for you, I would suggest going ahead with your own intuitive feelings.

Open ended, general intentions tend to be harder to chart and discern your progress. Why don't you start with that and if the progress seems too slow or vague, chunk it down to a more specific portion of the larger goal. Often making headway in one part of a bigger goal will have a domino effect and other goals will start coming to fruition as well.

As I indicated earlier, all the paraliminals are driven by the intention you set before listening. When choosing a paraliminal, each one has a title, which gives you the general topic and beneath that you will find a "tagline" which expands on the basic orientation of each paraliminal. So New Behavior Generator helps you to "Neutralize unwanted behaviors and take on new behaviors," while Break the Habit serves to "Free yourself from addictive behaviors." There is a distinct difference between those two orientations.

We create new Paraliminals based on customer requests, so the library has evolved to cover those areas that most people find to be most in need of change or enhancement.

Wendy Greer