Hi Astrid,

Thank you so much for all the information.

I think it was Marie that talked about burning candles in the North or Northwest that caused some problems for someone. I will have to recheck my course materials.

I understand how the stars interact with each other. However, it doesn’t make sense to me when an area is indicated as having, for example, an abundance star, but the divination for the area is negative.

I do try to use only those areas that have the most positive energy and avoid those areas that have negative energy. For example everyone is banned from using the North area of my property at the moment as that is where the yearly disaster star is and there is a monthly disaster star there this month too. Next year the North has the yearly relationship star in addition to the 20-year cycle abundance star for my property, so in planning ahead, I had been intending to mostly use this area next year but the negative divination for this area puts me off a little. I would prefer to be using an area that has positive stars and a positive divination. I am limited in doing this as this seems to occur where my bathroom and kitchen are, anyway, I have activated these areas by placing the activation's in the appropriate place in my living room.

Also, my master bedroom will have the yearly conflict star on it next year, so next year I am planning to move into the smaller bedroom in the East that will have the flying star 6 abundance/windfall star on it but this room also for my property has the 20 year cycle conflict star and I want to do whatever I can to avoid spending any time in any area that has any type of conflict star, as in the past I seem to have experienced issues caused by the conflict star. It was always on my bedroom in a few places I lived in previously. I have also been considering sleeping in the North area next year where the annual relationship star will be, but this area is part of the living room.

What to do???