Hi 4space,

When you say divination what do you mean? In Chinese metaphysics this term has nothing to do with dowsing rods.

If you use your dowsing rod to check if an area is good for you or not then there may be another reason for it that has nothing to do with stars.

I think that you don't have to be afraid of the stars. If you place your cures and avoid major renovations in disaster star areas you should be fine.

The annual disaster star is in my living room this year - do I avoid this area completely? No. I placed my cure and I use my living room daily. I have been fine so far. If I see any negative impacts then I place a bigger cure.

From my experience, it is more important to sleep in a good direction and to face a good direction. Place a cure for the stars and take care that you sleep in general in an area with good stars (you don't have to move your bedroom because of the yearly stars, just place your cure).

If North is a good direction for you, you can, of course, sleep there. From my experience, the compass school (4 good directions) is most important. Then cure the negative stars and activate the positive. Do the same with the yearly stars.

Please be aware that the contents of this Feng Shui course are very basic and simplified. There is more to Feng Shui than that. And you really don't need to fret about the stars if you place your cures.