Originally Posted by 4space

I think it was Marie that talked about burning candles in the North or Northwest that caused some problems for someone. I will have to recheck my course materials.

Hi 4space,

It's difficult to say if burning candles can trigger Fire at Heaven's Gate without having all the details such as floor plan, house facing, period of the house, gua number of the person, yearly stars etc. It depends. If you ask an Asian Feng Shui master a Feng Shui question this is the most likely answer you get shocked

In the end you have to test it yourself. Not all formulas out there actually work (you're safe with Diamond Feng Shui, don't worry. But there is a lot of other stuff out there). And somtimes you have to check it. Place a cure and test it.

All the best,

Last edited by astrid; 07/07/18 10:04 AM.