One of the best ways to Activate is to approach the book or material, knowing within the first few 30-minute Activation passes you will be assembling the structure of the entire book very very quickly at a conscious level..Add a layer of branches with key words and phrases from each of the chapter titles you wish to activate/comprehend more fully.If the book is highly detailed, consider

As a rule of thumb, the higher the level of comprehension you want, the more 30-minute Activation passes you will have, as well as with material you may not have much of any previous exposure to.

Your question about Activating by going right into Rapid Reading ... you can do that...but you would be served better by having a few passes with SuperReading and Dipping, or Skittering with Dipping. This will assemble the foundation and structure first. Make sure to add a layer of branches to your Mind Map for each activation pass.

What level of comprehension are you going for with this book? And, how many pages is it?