Hello again Astrid and Wendy,

I am very grateful and appreciative for all you help.
I am a bit confused about what Marie indicates about this.

Does this mean there are star/s in missing areas and these star/s are not reduced or weakened?

If so, if you do spend significant amounts of time in the missing area will you be affected by the non-contained star/s in the area? For example my front entry door gets used many times a day by me and I have an outdoor setting as many people do here, right next to my front door where others and myself spend time.

Also many properties here have an alfresco or courtyard that create missing areas. My friends seem to spend a lot of time in the missing areas of their homes, especially during spring and summer.

According to the nine directions chart in the level one course the northeast is represented by earth and mountains. Using my previous hypothetical example of the door facing northeast in the northeast sector, if a portion of an annual conflict star is contained inside the door, and if there is a large portion of the northeast missing that is represented by earth and mountains, then a lot of that mountain energy will be missing in front of the front entry door, so a portion of a conflict star contained inside the front entry door, plus non-reduced, no-weakened, non-contained conflict star in missing area, plus missing mountain energy because some of the northeast area is missing in front of the front entry door, would create a lack of support and instability, therefore, would it be correct to consider that this missing area in front of the front entry door would make things worse for the occupants? Even if no one is spending significant amounts of time in the missing area?