Hi David,

You can get information from a book you read years ago but it would be slower.

The advantage you would have by photoreading the book is that you have the book operating on both the conscious and other than conscious level.

Paul Scheele gave a really great analogy when learning strategies was having a photoreading retreat. They had photoreading from all over the world and Paul's example was looking down at your 2 feet that was your conscious mind then he said your other than conscious mind that was looking down the whole room the whole building then the parking lot then going 11 miles down the road

The point I am making is that your conscious mind is somewhat limited being able to attend to maybe 6 to 8 bits of information at a time where as your other than conscious mind can attend to 20,000 things at a time.

So I would highly recommend that if you had a book that you read years and you wanted to return to the book again that you photoreading the book. It does not take much time a few minutes and you would get a lot more out of your activation having photoreading the book.
