When you ask a question, your inner mind goes on a search for the answer, and it brings up the necessary association structures so you can achieve your goal.

I suggest re-affirming your purpose and re-PhotoRead your math book(s) once a day for the next couple of days. Since it is heavily detailed, a quick re-PhotoRead will help strengthen how all the patterns of text are absorbed into your non-conscious mind;

“My purpose for PhotoReading & activating this math book, is to be able to understand the formulas and apply them with ease.”

Then, after you close the book, give yourself these closing affirmations:

“What in this information do I need to know to help me master the formulas and solve the problems?

“What do I need to do to overcome my personal barrier to becoming an excellent math student.

“What can I do to develop a love for math?

“How can I begin to see, understand, and appreciate the mathematics in everything around me?

And, right before you begin a study session, give yourself this affirmation:

“inner mind, bring up the necessary association structures, so I can quickly understand how to solve these math problems.”

Let me know how this helps!
