Hi Hypnolad!

The two paraliminals that immediately came to my mind were Deep Relaxation and Letting Go. Often when I’m having sleep challenges I find that if I do a mind dump at the end of the day and release whatever conundrums I’ve been wrestling with, I enter the sleep state in a much more flowing and relaxed way.

Here are a few additional thoughts from Pete:

I would do any Paraliminal – Deep Healing, Letting Go, 10-Minute Supercharger, and then get ready for bed. Brush your teeth, put on your pajamas, anything you would normally do before bed that takes about 20 minutes. And during this time no thinking, no reading, no TV, no mental activity.

Then go to bed. If that doesn’t make falling asleep easier, then do a simple Paraliminal and run the sleep learning track for 20 minutes or so.

If any of those work, they will get better and better over the course of the next few weeks as your body becomes accustomed to the new way for falling asleep.

Not sleeping could have been habituated. Break the Habit might be good before the teeth brushing, too.

Here’s to a deep, restful, refreshing night for you. All the best, always!

Wendy Greer