Hi ipc33!

Without knowing what programs you have, it's hard to make specific suggestions.

If you happen to have Diamond Feng Shui, there is an entire section on clearing various energetic layers under the Diamond Forgiveness Facet. There are additional guidelines under the Release Facet. If you do have that course, when you do the Tubes of Light meditation, run the violet flame through and around the relationship that has been so challenging. You can't change someone else's behaviors, but you can definitely change your response to them. That one simple shift can often completely change the paradigm.

As this person is getting under your skin so intensely, there is clearly something in you that is resonating and enabling them to "get your goat" as the saying goes. From the context of paraliminals, you might consider both "Letting Go," which allows you to release the charge that is being generated by this person's actions and "Positive Relationships," because it will enable you to focus on what you want from relationships, rather than what you don't want.

You mention not liking to do paraliminals at night, so by all means, do them in the morning or afternoon if that will work for you.

I'd also like to give you a reframe for what you are experiencing and your response to it. Jeddah Mali was asked during a Q&A session about how to deal with a toxic person who was in a customer's life. She started her response with a comment that she doesn't like to see people labeled as "toxic," but rather as in "deep forgetting."

If found that to be a great reminder that we are so fortunate to know what we know and be on the path we are on. Some people haven't yet even found that path, much less started walking it. To whatever extent you can, have compassion for someone who is so contracted that they would resort to the kinds of actions you are experiencing.

All the best to you, always!

Wendy Greer