1) I'm not sure I understand your question. If you are using all 5 steps on a book, there should be no need to repeat all 5 steps. Generally Rapid Reading would be used once. You can PhotoRead, Super Read & Dip, and Skitter the book several times. Be sure to check out the "Take the five-day test" exercise on page 71.
2) No
3) Hunches can be a feeling, picture, or internal voice. You will need to discover how your intuition "hunches" communicate to you.
4) The four stages of learning! Awareness, familiarity, Knowledge, and Mastery. This is the path we move through as we discover something brand new, or acquire new information which expands our existing knowledge base.
In the Knowledge stage, you’ve developed a good grasp of that topic or information. You can demonstrate a good foundation and understanding. On a typical book that’s around 300-400 pages, you’ll achieve the knowledge stage within 3-4 Activation passes in step 5.
Any previous information or knowledge you acquired in the past that gets “keyed up” at a conscious level during your 30-minute Activation passes, you’ll recognize as being already yours in your knowledge base.
As you PhotoRead and fully activate more and more books, you’ll increase the likelihood of “spontaneous activation” where something see or hear or think about, will trigger information up at a conscious level, directly from information you absorbed at a page per second.
You’re welcome to do a google search and explore dozens of articles explaining the Four Stages of Learning.
5) Check out our past posts for information on studying textbooks. Here is one that may be helpful: