I read a series with 12 books[spoiler][/spoiler] approximately 100 - 130 each book. I read about 10 -out of 12 of the books. When I first activated them it took me approximately 20 minutes to do so. I'd look at the toc and think this chapter wants to be read and activate the chapter. Now reading over them again it's taking longer to activate. I did a meditation which I put together with the techniques in the book I'd do it everyday. In it I'd narrate the process of a red fern tree climbing a rock looking for sunlight. Recently when I read the book in the series the meditation helms from I came a cross something I hadn't before. A sentence that describe red fern climbing a rock looking for light.

I was gobsmack mostly at the potential which was there. I could possibly so good a photoreader as to activate a book in 20 minutes. Now adays my problem is that as I super read and dip its as if I dip too much and get less information. And my mind literally screams at me "where's the information!" . How do I get into the zone where I trust my intuition read the right chapters dip appropiately and come out of activation knowing I have the right information?

I've photoread and activated the novel "animal farm" and when rapid reading it I thought it was amazing how fast I went through that book. Now when I rapid read a novel I feel as if when I move my eyes along the sentences I'm not fully processing the story. I was reading a novel and I remember the events of the first few chapters I read but I don't remember the names of characters and, I want to be able to discuss these books with others - particularly well written passages. How do I do that? I bought "White Teeth" by Zadie Smith, "Infinite Jest" and "A confederacy of dunces" I'd like to photoread them especially the 1,000 plus page behemoth "infinite Jest" Please give me your advice on rapid reading!