Hi Genji!

As you have discovered, there are multiple routes to the same destination. For many people the Feelings Exercise and the Sedona Method create very similar results because with both of them you are stopping your resistance to the feeling. We waste so much energy when we push against and resist something that is going on.

When we simply embrace what is, (and even examine it as can be done with the Feelings Exercise) we loosen the charge around whatever we are working on. When that happens, we free the energy that was bound up in resistance and also enter a much more open and creative place. This allows far more discernment about what is actually happening and how we might want to purposefully shift, release or work through it. Shifting from a reactive state to a purposefully and consciously proactive one can shift everything.

When people have discomfort or “dis-ease” of some sort, they often end up focusing on whatever is occurring and this, in turn, creates more of it. When you allow things to be what they are, even when you purposefully choose to “dive into” them, that allowing loosens their hold and everything shifts.

All the best!

Wendy Greer