Hi Ara31,

Cure once, in one place.

Could you stack a 20, year, and monthly cure in one sector? Yes. They are each activating our curing a different layer of energy there, not competing. More like a lot of pieces in the orchestra doing their own sound, but impacting the whole performance/vibration. However, it will probably feel better to spread them out into the house/living room/office. Stacking things up adds to clutter, and that's not what we are after here.

Wendy, one of the Feng Shui coaches here at Learning Strategies likes to do the 20-year in the sectors of the house as a whole, and put the yearly's in the sector of the house, bedroom, office or living room depending on what they represent: Yearly Romance? Place th cure/intention in that at sector of the bedroom. Abundance Star? Place that cure/intention in the appropriate sector of your office. Yearly Relationship Star? In its appropriate sector in the living/family room.

Make sense?

All the best,
