Hello, this is my first post, really enjoying the course! Timely, we will be moving into a new home and I have a question on best position for a bed.

The room is for my daughter and it has two doors, one for closet and one for a bathroom shared with another bedroom. I was planning to place the bed on that same wall with both doors since she was facing one of her best directions SE. This opposite wall is a solid wall but also is connected to the bedroom door. She is a Sheep Metal 3 with best locations (S, N, SE, E).
1) I just read in the thread not to place bed in the location where there is a broken wall but this gives me few options(see layout below). Is there a way around this?
2) Also the crown of her head will be in NW which is loss, which is more important the crown or facing direction?
3) Any recommendation on bed placement?


----------------------Door Bathroom
(E) ------------------Door Closet

Thank you in advance!

Last edited by DMarys; 11/18/20 04:28 PM. Reason: layout updated