Week 11

What's Gone Well?
Noticing even if I'm not reading or PhotoReading every day, I now, at a conscious level know all the steps.
Started reading a piece 'normally', it was too slow, not enough gamification.
Not going to have applied the PRWMS to all of my unread books in 12 weeks, however I've made massive inroads. Yes, I had that many in my to be read pile. It will grow in the future. I'll always be able to find another book to read.

Things I noticed
Attended an official course this week. I was praying they'd give me a reading list, just so I could see how far I could get and how much information I could absorb and apply between sessions.

What Am I Delaying Right Now?
Do I need to repeat myself?

What Do I Want To Do To Improve Next Week/ What Am I Going To Do Next?
Finish up any books currently PhotoReading.