That's it my 12 week dash is up.

I think I've applied the PRWMS to approximately ....books. I don't want to even count my list, it's that long. Both digital and physical over the past 12 weeks.

Sure, I hit what I think you might call a plateau during the 12 week journey, yet thanks to posting here, I kept going. That's key to making the PhotoReading Whole Mind System your new reading strategy, particularly if reading wasn't your thing.

I tended not to mind map etc. as I don't need to apply the system to academic writing. I did however use a lot of what I read as ideas for content that I had to create for my job.

I didn't experience any spontaneous activation. Sure, that's what we all want. (I've experienced it before and will once my 12 week challenge is up).

The system is more than that. I get it, that's what sells. That's not what you should go for. It's a bonus. Even lawyers check details, doctors practice before a big surgery. You and I are no different. Your base memory and subject knowledge will increase for sure, yet you are allowed to go back to the books and check.

For many, I think it's about spending time with books. As previously written, I hated reading growing up. Now, at times, I want to read rather than turn on the tv. That's huge. Just previewing, PhotoReading and postviewing can be enough sometimes to get what you need from a book.

Activation, My favorite method for me is skittering.

The best activation method for you is the one that works. I think you need to try them all.

I still watch YouTube videos on subjects that I am reading. I love reading/watching summaries. I use it almost to compare notes. I also wonder - how much time did you spend reading this book compared to me?

Our purposes are different, yet very rarely does the summary author highlight something that I've missed or need to add to my own notes. I bet I didn't spend half the time they did getting through the book.

Now it's over to you, what will you do with PhotoReading?