Hi there. I have a problem with my speed in reading the books with PhotoReading.
Before say my problem, i can say i have a very very good comprehension with any book that i activated.

But my progress in reading the books is very slow. even compared to treditional reading i am slow.

I remember once Alex mentioned in one of his posts that a 200-page book on a normal subject would be activated in 4-5 activation passes.

But my speed is very slow. For example I chose a book called " The pattern on the Stone" which is about 200 pages. My goals and question is quite clear and I am very eager and curious to find the answers. But when i try for activatate this, i spend 6 -7 passes and i am still in page 40 !! (Which my activation includes dipping and skittering and mind mapping).
Of course, my understanding of these 40 pages has been extremely high and i'm happy for this. But as i sayed my problem is my speed to finisthe books.

Every book I choose fits perfectly with my goals and questions. And that makes me consider all the sentences in the book important and necessary. Because I feel that if I ignore a part of the book, my understanding will be disturbed. And this is exactly the case, because I tried several times to ignore parts of the book in order to finish the book sooner and get my questions answered, but in the end I found that my understanding was incomplete.

I should also say that this problem makes me try for a book in several days and not in one day.

I would be grateful if anyone could help.