Hi Ennebe!

You are correct that everyone is using facebook far more than the Forum these days. The forum itself will shortly be a “read only” device.

The metaphors and messages in the change work section of a Paraliminal are for the nonconscious mind. They are not intended for the conscious mind. It’s best to just go with the flow of the rhythm of the voices during this section, letting your mind drift. If you find yourself listening to what is in one ear or the other, simply listen and do in your mind whatever it tells you to do without analyzing or second guessing it. Allow your conscious mind to get out of the way.

You might want to build into your intention for listening something along the lines of “I easily and effortlessly flow with whatever images and metaphors appear for me.” You seem to be trying to set in concrete what is purposefully left open-ended. That’s one of the reasons Paraliminals work so well. Paul gives you a nudge in the right direction, but then uses artfully vague language so you finesse your route in a direction that works best for you.

All the best!
Wendy Greer