Tony, yep I listen daily in the same spot around the same time, so i think this helps. I also got to level 3 times a day in the Silva way. I still listen to paraliminals as well. It's a whole system for me. In addition, i just got back from Germany & Mother always seems to adjust my energy.

I never thought i would finish up A4.4. I zipped along till that last cd & zap. I went over the time slot by a month or so. Now after coming back, my energy has shifted and P.1.1 is also zipping along. By this i mean, i am fully alert in an altered state of consciousness. ZAP means i'm not sleeping but i come around 3 hrs. later. No other overwhelm though other than a little panic now and then that i release.

Mgrego---my GC arrived today Love Paul's's like an old friend....terrific packaging as well.

Listening to the first tape so far & brought the manual to work. Zeit zum spass haben!!!