
I'm doing Resiliency as well - just took it up again over the weekend after a three week hiatus - listened to the paraliminal three times - and have now progressed to Level II, second lesson.

Anyways, a funny thing happened . My old tape player tends to play quite a bit slower than it should, so before Xmas, listening to the tapes, Al's voice was so slow, it was like I was being hypnotised all the time (which probably really helped in some respects.) So when I started listening to the Paraliminal on the new boom-box I got myself for Xmas, his voice was somewhat different, and it threw me just a bit at first.

I actually go quite deep into state with the first paraliminal - I find it really makes me feel good afterward, and it has been most helpful these past few days in that I did manage to snap back from a rather huge slap in the face (via a nasty person on another forum), and the next part of the course helped me really make a decision with regard to just how I wanted to respond to this situation. Needless to say, I don't have a problem with Al's voice - and well, Paul's just put's me to sleep, anyways.

I really like the course, and I'm now encouraged to push forward. I tend to be a procrastinator and not finish things, so it also helps to know I'm sort of working "in class" to keep up a bit. A gentle nudge occasionally would be appreciated as well.


[This message has been edited by Unis (edited January 23, 2006).]