
Have you had any experiences where you were hit in the nose by anything including a door and at the time you were trying to bounce back. So you were trying to be resilient but then you got the strong disapproval from the door. The pain in the nose would then be anchored to being resilient. Use the NLP pleasure pattern if you can and create a strong feeling of pleasure in being resilient. You may have buried some of your resiliency with the pain.

If you need a laugh, whenever I listen to the first paraliminal of Resiliency, I seem to attract a "slap in the face". It seems that I automatically get knocked when I "want to be resilient". Besides that's the only way my mind can show me the proof of that I am "wanting to be resilient". It's like my mind is telling me I can't be resilient without knocks, as there is no such resiliency. Holosync is similar for me: there's no bliss without the overcoming, but many times I expect the bliss without the overcoming.

Oxygen, you do already show resiliency, you show bliss in the midst of your overcoming.