He remains a remarkably charming and dynamic man.

Even though I have had some bad experiences regarding him, I still find his recordings stimulating and enteraining.

He really is full of crap, though. It's almost impossible to separate what is complete lies from what is true. Stephen Gilligan was talking about the dangers of certain approaches, the "anything is possible" or "you can do anything" approach in particular. "Just look at Richard Bandler," he said.

I knew exactly what he meant.

Contrast this with a story about Milton Erickson. One of his students was told a story about 3 graduate students. He said 3 graduate students had seen him during the time of their studies. They each failed and succeeded in various ways. IIRC, one failed his undergraduate work while doing extremely well at graduate work, one excelled at undergraduate work while failing miserably at graduate work, and I forget what the third one did ... anyway, he described very unlikely combinations and the guy was like, yeah, right ... I get the metaphor but Milton is making this stuff up.

Well, later on he found out who these students were and discovered that Milton had been in fact telling the truth. The impact this had on him was enormous.

Now that's the way I like it. Don't BS me.