
Are you saying that one must intend what one thinks about in order for it to manifest?

Of course, people still argue that by merely thinking about something negative, fearing it or what have you you bring it to yourself.

It's a nice thought, but that is about it. Again, naive children do not know any better and they will believe whole-heartedly in just about any convincing lie you want to tell them, especially if they think it'll help them get what they want.

Does it make it manifest? Not unless the parents see how much little Jimmy wants that toy and have the resources and desire to get it for him. And that is taking action.

I am open to happy coincidences, but I really don't think that my thoughts create my reality in any way other than a cognitive and interactive (as in relating with others and manipulating objects in the world) sense.

You know the saying: wish in one hand and crap in the other and see which one gets filled first.

[This message has been edited by babayada (edited April 26, 2004).]

[This message has been edited by babayada (edited April 26, 2004).]