"You know the saying: wish in one hand and crap in the other and see which one gets filled first."

Haha... no, never heard it before. English is my second language. I hope that doesn't make to much of a mess of what I try to say.

Well babayada it seems that you have made up your mind about realitycreation. Your choice. Your experience. I've a few years of practice and have enough feedback to believe in the process. Magical thinking or wishful thinking to some. My grandpa passed away this day so I'm not in the mood of giving any detailed description of things/other that have manifested. I'm going to be a ***** and say that your mind is probably set on dismissing it anyways. I'll ask to be forgiven about that comment right now.

I also believe in acting and not just sitting on your ass waiting for the dollars to come knocking at your door. That's half of the fun, the doing. I sense from your comments some underlying issue about realitycreation which makes you negative to it. Perhaps not. That's mindreading I guess. Sorry again.

If your mind needs more info on a more intellectual level and not just a practical description of it - please take a peek at "Seth - the Nature of Personal Reality" by Jane Roberts. I'm sure that will answer a bucketful of questions. At least it's a better package for some when getting to know conscious creation. Although it's channeled and that was an issue for me at the beginning. Couldn't believe a word from the book until it just made sense a bit too much.

I still like your posts tho. cya