LOL that was someone else who created the tape using the fruits (it's not readily available on the market).

Lee Pulos is a hypnotist and most of his tapes used hypnosis to help you learn new skills. Image streaming was how he helps you to develop your visualisation skills and like I said it wasn't very much, perhaps a 5 minute exercise in image streaming itself.

If it is for developing your visualisation skills that you are looking at this course for, then it may disappoint you. I've owned it since 1993. It doesn't excite me as far as training of visualisation exercises are concerned. I had the abridged version as well and that one in my book had everything required when it came to visualisation.

All the visualisation training/exercises are on side 3 of the the tapes. The rest is explanation and then application to for things like goals, self esteem and self healing. Still very useful training with postive application of your visualisation skill. Very similar to the Silva Method. I guess because I trained in the Silva Method this seemed like a poor mans imiation. In principle it all works quite effectively.

If it's only the visualisation skills you want... hunt down the 2 tape abridge version.(image streaming was on that too). If you want something that is somewhat similar to the Silva Method course with some visualisation thrown in, then this course does that.

It isn't only about visualisation... like the Silva Method it's about using your auditory, kinesthetic, smell and taste senses of your mind as well.
