I don't know the systems you've described. However, I've read and tried some systems with different approaches.

Some have you release the unwanted. Some have you also release the wanted.

Some have you be with the experience, completely, fully. They have you travelling through it to the "truth".

The AFL seems to be a bit of a hybred, and or more. This perception may my own take on the system. AFL suggest you examine all feelings and learn from them. Then you decide if you want to keep it, change it, or remove it. The learning part starts with being with the feeling.

You can choose to reclaim the energy and release the trance. You can choose to fully appreciate it and absorb the energy and hence pass through the trance.

I'd say that both methods are in the course and both will work. Some seem more appropriate in different situations.

Okay, I'm pretty certain that more than a little of my current flavouring of the material has gone into this post, but that's the best I have to share.

You are perfection.