The reason we often feel stressed is because we have pushed down the Feeling rather than acknowledging it. In this way we are holding on to it and having it ever present. By noticing the feeling, you are acknowledging it once it has 'said it's piece' it will change (sense of relief perhaps?).

The feeling exercise helps us to return to the Now moment, holding onto the feeling moves us to the past,(we have to keep moving back to how we felt a moment ago), wanting to change it moves us to the future, (we try to jump over and ignore the present to get to a preferred feeling but the future isn't here yet so we sense that, that feeling is still out of our reach.)

Doing the feeling exercise is like a mini meditation... one day perhaps sooner than you think an ah-ha will hit you. While you may have heard the words that explain it you will understand and know the significance of the exercise... it really goes beyond feeling the 'right' feeling or being able to notice your feelings.
