[QUOTE]People are where they are in their lives because that is where they are supposed to be. That is what life is dishing out to them because that is what they need to learn about.[QUOTE]

Gosh, if this were this case, then we would have to close all the charities, because those who are down & out should be left to go hungry & unclothed. Taking this a step further, we would have to close all the schools, because if we were really meant to have formal education, that skilled knowledge would surely be divinely bestowed upon us at birth, and we would be able to easily and naturally access it... if we were spiritually "deserving" enough, that is.

If you lived by a lake in the middle of nowhere with no transportation, and your neighbor down the road was starving because he didn't know how to fish, would you not teach him, if you already knew how?

When people are left isolated in their misery, their hope dies, and despair sets in. The worst thing in the world is for fear to rule in the hearts of humanity. The world would definitely plummet and find its way into nonexistence. Without hope, there is no reason and no will to live.

On the flip-side, one of the most rewarding things in life is to be able to free someone from a bondage, by showing them how to help themselves, and where they are missing the mark, or how they can do things better. I wouldn't be able to look at myself in the mirror, if someone were placed in my path who needed help, and I did not do what I could to assist them, even if it's to simply direct them to the necessary resources and information. If they balked or refused it (which happens often), or abused it, at least I could walk away knowing that I tried. I did my best. I can't help but help, because it's part of what makes me whole.

Now that I'm thinking about it, it just occurred to me that, yes, in a way, one could say that "People are where they are in their lives because that is where they are supposed to be." But instead of labeling the circumstance as some sort of divine punishment dealt to the helpee, it would more accurately be called a "learning, growing, & edifying opportunity" for both the helper and the helpee.

As for abundance, this very earth of ours, in all her glory, is the epitome of abundance. It is here so that we, as a human race, are given by potential, plus a little elbow grease, initiative, and teamwork, to grow and prosper like fruit on a tree. Yet when you snap those pieces of the puzzle together, they still don't complete the picture, so that you can solve the riddle. All you have to do is look around to know this. The question is twofold: How can you most effectively pull out that potential, and are there really any boundaries?

From what I understand (I haven't taken the course, yet), "Abundance for Life" answers that question well. It takes you beyond the grade school of life, even beyond college, and enrolls you in the graduate school of life. You step beyond the basics of human ingenuity and productivity, into the supernatural realm of operations, where one is able by faith, to access and utilize the very power of all life, at will.

If I'm wrong, please correct me. But this is how I see it, right now. I like the way you responded to that person, Pete. I'm glad you posted it, because it causes us to think about the most basic concepts which are so commonplace, that they often go unnoticed.

I am profoundly enthusiastic about ordering the course, but I'm waiting for a way that I can do it. I am so grateful that I found Learning Strategies (or that if found me). Thank you so very much for all that you do for us.

[This message has been edited by SHEANIMA (edited September 09, 2004).]